Re: UUIDs (and devfs and major/minor numbers)
Dan Hollis (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:56:48 -0700 (PDT)
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> In message <>, Dan Hol
> lis writes:
> +-----
> | Well see, we have people who dont want procfs *or* devfs. Their solution
> | would probably be to pollute /dev with a whole new group of maj/min
> | devices just to hold socket permissions.
> +--->8
> I would think more like:
> struct sockperms s;
> s.proto = IPPROTO_UDP;
> s.port = 53;
> s.owner = getpwnam("named")->pw_uid;
> ioctl(rawsocket, SIOCSETPERMS, &s);
Is this really any better than a sockfs? You already need to keep socket
permissions in kernel structs for this, might as well make them visible to
the user through a "regular" fs interface, and allow existing tools like
chown/chmod to modify them, instead of writing new tools to manage socket
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