Re: Microsoft IP-stack ?!
david parsons (o.r.c@p.e.l.l.p.o.r.t.l.a.n.d.o.r.u.s)
18 Jun 1999 17:13:12 -0700
In article <linux.kernel.Pine.LNX.4.10.9906181729470.3209-100000@asdf.capslock.lan>,
Mike A. Harris <> wrote:
>On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Alan Cox wrote:
>>> that they
>>> have stolen IP-code from Linux. Im right, yes ?!
>>Unlikely. Judging by the window 2000 beta traces they run a BSD stack derivative
>>close to freebsd - and the BSD license permits such use
>Which is a good reason to *NOT* release open source code under
>BSD style licenses. You might as well just send your code
>directly to Microsoft.
And the problem with Microsoft using all sorts of Unix code is...?
david parsons \bi/ Remember, if it's Unix we win.
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