I worked on a PDP11/60 running "unix". The PDP was installed around
'75 or '76. It was running Unix by the time I worked on it ('86).
I remember for sure that mkdir wasn't a syscall on this machine. There
was a setuid mkdir binary that did the magic for you. You could
hardlink to directories, you could chmod files into a directory. Both
were not allowed for normal users, and the system tools would require
an "-f" to force them to do it, even if you were root (for sure on the
ln. I don't remember the chmod).
I remember the setuid mkdir doing something along the lines of:
touch $1
chmod 40755 $1
ln $1 $1/.
ln . $1/..
I remember that after a system crash we ended up with lots of junk in
lost+found. Some of the FILEs there looked quite similar to what you'd
see if you would use cat on a directory. So we chmod-ed them into a
directory, and fsck-ed again. Bingo! a whole bunch of files back...
Yes, those were the days....
But what the F... is all this doing on linux-kernel?
-- ** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** http://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2137555 ** *-- BitWizard writes Linux device drivers for any device you may have! --* ------ Microsoft SELLS you Windows, Linux GIVES you the whole house ------
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