On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, David wrote:
> Dancer wrote:
> > Alan Cox wrote:
> > > Umm. I think you are mistaken there, certainly for apache. the 1024 is
> > > _per_process_. Apache doesn't use hundreds of fds per process. Zeus may
> > > hit the 1024 fd limit. To hit 1024 fds on apache you;d need a lot of
> > > static mmap files or 1000 odd different log files
> >
> > We do. There's about three file-descriptors in use per virtual server.
> > Put 1400 virtual servers on a box, and you need some decent fd support.
> erm, per virtual web domain or per child? additional web domains -don't-
> need to take more descriptors unless you choose to have individual log files
> per each which is really silly.
Depending on the environment, seperate log files per web "site"/"domain"
may make lots of sense. if each domain is a seperate customer it can be
better to log to seperate files then to log to one file and then have to
split it up later (touching the data an extra time)
David Lang
> use the more advanced logging features and reduce your logfile count
> considerably. this has an immense performance benefit on a busy site. no
> cross disk seeking to update individual logs. less file descriptors to
> select on, etc, etc.
> -d
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