I've been thinking about this since your last post. Seems to me the
primitive one needs is the ability to say "This object and all its
dependents need to be written atomically". Not too hard to imagine
how to do that given you already have enough of a VM system to do
copy-on-write. OK, you end up having to allocate in two different
spaces, one with atomicity constraints and one without. But it's
solvable. (See below on why this doesn't mean you end up journaling
> Why is having persistence managed by a library that is playing guessing games
> of your intent a good idea ? It has to know about object relationships,
> potentially it has to blindly snapshot the entire system. It has to do a lot
> of work to know in detail what has changed.
For the *exact same* reasons that automatic memory management with
garbage collection is preferable to slinging your own buffers. Perl
and Python and Tcl are on the rise because, outside the kernel, accepting
all that complexity and the potential for buffer overruns just doesn't
make any damn sense with clocks and memory as cheap as they are now.
Remember, the name of the game in OS design is really to optimize for
least complexity overhead for the *application programmer* and *user*.
If this means accepting a marginally more complex and less efficient
OS substructure (like the difference between a journaled object store
and a file system with explicit I/O) then that's fine. But in fact I
think Shapiro makes strong arguments that an object store, done
properly, is *more* efficient.
> So all you have to do is export every object that this object refers to. Like
> the windowing environment, whoops oh dear.
Now you know it's not that bad in practice. Not all object references are
pointers. Some are capabilities and cookies that are persistent without
prearrangement. That's especially likely to be true of OS services, and
especially if you design your API with that in mind.
> Suppose Eros was just a set of persistent object libraries that ran on
> top of numerous other platforms too, could be downloaded off the net and
> pretty well within the limits of the "programmer lazy, do more work than
> worked needed" paradigm.
> ftp://ftp.cs.utexas.edu/pub/garbage/texas/README
> And that is demonstrably the right way up. If you put a "lazy programmer"
> system at the bottom of an environment you prevent the smart programmer doing
> smart things. If your bottom layer is fundamentally ignorant of programmer
> provided clues you cripple the smart.
If that's true, why is Perl a success?
That's not intended to be a snarky question. Your argument here is
essentially the argument for malloc(3) as opposed to unlimited-extent
types and garbage collection. And the answer is the same: there comes
a point where the value of the optimization you can do with hints no
longer pays for the complexity overhead of having to do the storage
management yourself.
The EROS papers implicitly argue that we've reached that point not
just in memory management but with respect to the entire persistence
problem. I'm inclined to agree with them.
At the very least, it's something that I think we'd all be better off
doing a little forward thinking about. As I said at the beginning of
the thread, I'm not after changing the whole architecture of Linux
right away; that would be silly and futile. But this exchange will
have achieved my purposes if it only plants a few conceptual seeds.
-- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr">Eric S. Raymond</a>The right of self-defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." -- Henry St. George Tucker (in Blackstone's Commentaries)
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