> > The problem is that the drivers have threads running that are not dying
> > before I start deallocating resources.
> Hmm, you might do something like
> while (sys_kill(pid, SIGTERM) != -1)
> schedule();
> Wait. In what context process does cleanup_module() code run? It is
> probably not safe to do blocking call in idle task or something
> similary bad.
Blocking in cleanup_module is okay; it's run in the context of whatever
process is calling the delete_module system call (eg. rmmod). The real
problem is being sure that cleanup_module does not return until the thread
associated with that module is truly gone. waitpid should really be the
right solution (opposed to the semaphore method I suggested, which was
really not very good), but I'm not sure why it wasn't consistently working.
-- # bryan at terran dot org # http://www.terran.org/~bryan
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