> > Not everyone can just switch to apache at the drop of a hat, as nice as
> > it might be. In this case khttpd becomes very useful as a generic 100%
> > transparent httpd accelerator for *any* webserver -- think about
> > commercial closed-source ones too.
> http://www.netcraft.co.uk/Survey/Reports/199906/platform.html
> "The percentage of Apache specific servers [...] is now 61.12 (from
> 60.79 last month)."
> You'll forgive me if I'm sceptical of your comment.
Without displaying a preference either way, I don't see what that
statistic has to do with anything. It's a hard thing to do, to move
server platforms. What if you're firmly entrenched in something like
Zeus, which has a radically different configuration setup than Apache? Not
that you'd likely need such an accelerator for Zeus, maybe something like
mathopd... or Netscape Enterprise Server... Not many people are willing to
just throw away their platform (which may have many things that they find
useful) just to get some benefit that Apache has, even something as
important as, more advanced network code. Many organizations will find it
easier to fix by buying more hardware than by switching platforms. Just
throwing in a powerful static content accelerator would be a really nice
solution. Whether that's a Squid cache, or khttpd, or whatever, just
dropping your development environment isn't a trivial decision.
Just because more sites are using Apache doesn't mean anything. In fact,
it probably just means a whole bunch of sites running Apache started up
recently. Or maybe a large ISP sent in a list of sites they host on
Apache to affect the numbers.
60.79 -> 61.12 = +0.33, or ~= 20,000 sites. The ISP I used to admin for
had easily that many different valid hostnames responding to requests, all
running Apache (except for maybe 90 running on IIS due to some need for
Frontpage Extensions or ColdFusion).
--- tani hosokawa river styx internet
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