1) Not long after booting the system I see the following message:
VFS: file-max limit 4096 reached.
At various points in time after I have booted I will get errors because
of too many open files. I find it hard to believe that within a few
hours of booting I have over 4000 files open.
2) When I start up pppd to dial my ISP I get several of the following
message appear.
Unable to load interpreter
It doesn't seem to cause any problems, but I would like to know what
is causing it. I will anywhere from 4 or 5 of these messages to over
a dozen. I'm running pppd 2.3.8.
Any assitance is appreciated.
My system is a 2P 350Mhz Pentium II. Further info can be provided on request.
-- Paolo Galtieri Principal Software Engineer Motorola Computer Group INTERNET: peg@phx.mcd.mot.com 2900 S. Diablo Way VOICE: (602) 438 - 3754 Tempe, AZ 85282
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