> Felix,
> It mounts Netware partitions. Also, Windows NT has some pretty nifty
> in it's file system architecture for SMP. The way the VM Cache manager is
> implemented in Windows NT is nothing short of genius. By caching MCB
> allocation run information (NT reads and writes files by constructing MCB
> lists in memory, which are in-memory descriptors of a file's contiguous
> sector runs), this gives NT the ability to perform some fairly
> read-ahead and cache predication operations for random access as well as
> sequential access files. This architecture is also superior for SMP
> operations. MCB lists can basically be sent in a parallel fashion to the
> subsystem and transacted in parallel. For Async IO (Linux only provides
> Sync IO for File Systems, NT provides Sync and Async IO) which is what SQL
> Server on NT uses, this method increases SMP scalability for Databases
> fold over Sync IO File System models (like Linux). Linux could do well
> looking into the architecture of NT file systems and borrowing some of the
> concepts for the VFS. Bottom line is that in some types of applications,
> will have better file system SMP performance than Linux because of these
> capabilities.
> Jeff
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <leitner@convergence.de>
> To: <jmerkey@timpanogas.com>
> Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 7:08 AM
> Subject: Re: FENRIS (nwfs) Source Code Now Available.
> > In local.linux-kernel, you wrote:
> > > 8. Approximately 18,000 lines of Windows NT specific code were
> > > removed from this implementation, however, there are stil some
> > > remnants of code form the Windows NT version of nwfs that will
> > > remain in the linux release. perhaps the most interesting ones
> > > can be found in NWFILE.C. NT file systems are far more advanced
> > > than Linux. NT places the VM Cache on top of the file system
> > > rather than beneath it. The advantages to this model are all
> > > performance related. If you change any nwfs Linux code, you must
> > > also change the Windows NT code as well if it is affected by your
> > > changes or I will reject your code submissions.
> >
> > Excuse me?
> > Are you trying to tell me that NT file systems are faster have better
> > performance characteristics than Linux file systems? That totally
> > contradicts everything I ever did with NT.
> >
> > Anyway: about your announcement:
> >
> > What is nwfs? NetWork File System? NetWare File System?
> > If the latter, is it for mounting netware network file systems or for
> > mounting a netware formatted partition? Those should be the first
> > questions that your announcement answers.
> >
> > Felix
> >
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