I am thinking that rather than someone blindly sending an
email to the linux-smp mailing list they should get a message
that maybe instructs them to also look in the
linux/Documentation/IO-APIC.txt file for more information.
The warning message should also be included in the Documentation
i.e. if you recieve this message upon boot up
(show warning messgae here)
send email message to linux-smp/linux-kernel with the dmesg (or
It seems that many people are afraid that there SMP Linux
box is going to blow up or something when they see this message,
or worse that there system will not operate correctly rather
than letting them know that they just have an unidentified
motherboard. A warning message on boot time can be a heart
stopper to a newbie, or even a disappointment to someone who is
experienced and uninformed.
Currently the documentation says nothing about the warning
message at boot up. Maybe it should?
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