> I didn't get the bit flipping others are talking about - I got total FS
> corruption, with "attempt to read past end of device" and readdir
> errors. Unless maybe that was caused by bit flipping in the FS
> structure.
Same here.
As I said, I had the machine hang twice (with 2.2.9 and 2.2.10
respectively) after which I got tons of "duplicate blocks" from fsck, and
lost some files. At that point I suspected harddisk fault, since dd
if=/dev/hdc of=/dev/null bs=512 count=13000000 conv=noerror
gave I/O error, always at the same place (I tried a number of times). The
bad block, however, resided on a FAT pertition, not on the ext2
partition. I could read through the ext2 partition just fine.
Then, after I moved my linux installation to another disk and changed the
faulting disk to another IDE adapter, I found that I gave no errors
whatsoever. I tried reading through it tens of times, an nothing. It had
failed reliably on the other IDE adapter, and the disk I put on the
adapter the failing disk was on, worked fine as well.
And, when I made an ext2 fs on a third disk and copied part of the system
there, I was unable to mount the fs after a reboot. It just said "attempt
to read past end of device" although it had worked just fine before
reboot. So I remade the fs and everything has worked well for 24h now.
> I thought mine might be hardware related, but I have not been able to
> duplicate any problems 2.2.5.
I first suspected that too, but the disk is working now. I hadn't
touched the cables for half a year either, and I've had no problem
with the IDE adapters for three years that I've had the machine.
It is always possible though.
> After that, my system has run virtually
> flawlessly for 6-9 months now. Until I put 2.2.9 and then 2.2.10 on
> it.
I second that. I've only had trouble with smbfs and ntfs when using 2.2.x.
(The last trouble with smbfs was yesterday when I tried to seek in a mp3
with xmms. The mp3 resided on a samba server and was mounted vie smbfs.
xmms froze, and I noticed a strange sound coming from my harddrive. That
turned out to be smbfs sitting in a busy loop writing the same two lines
to /var/log/messages over again and again. I was stupid enough to destroy
the logs (as they almost filled my disk ;) ) but it said something about
signal not being caught and retrying. If anybody is interested, I can try
to reproduce that. Otherwise smbfs is starting to work the way it should
(as it does in 2.0.36) and the dropping mounts problem went away with
2.2.10 (that's why I upgraded in the first place.))
> I wondered if maybe the changes in the aic7xxx driver (I have an
> Adaptec
Hmm, I have IDE...
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