> First, please cc: me when replying. I have grep'd my way through the
> entire kernel source tree as well as everything in '/usr/include'. Where
> are the definitions for __SIZE_TYPE__ and __SSIZE_TYPE__ ? My last guess
> is that they are hidden in the guts of gcc somewhere. I am working with
> the 'posix_types.h' file in 'asm-mips', but I am not using the MIPS gcc
> compiler currently. I am experimenting with some stuff right now. If
> they do happen to be defined in gcc, is there a safe typedef of my own
> that I can do? Thanks in advance.
The definitions for __SIZE_TYPE__ and __SSIZE_TYPE depend on what compiler
options have been given to the gcc frontend. For 32-bit code which is
the default with the current Linux/MIPS compiler the definitions are just
-D__SIZE_TYPE__="unsigned int" -D__SSIZE_TYPE__=int
If you're experimenting with the MIPS sources, then go for the Linux/MIPS
tool chain or give up. Serious.
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