Re: I know that I am doing bad things but...
Shaw Terwilliger (
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:13:38 -0500
Ben Woodard wrote:
> Steps to reproduce:
> -------------------
> 1) insert card
> 2) mount card "mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /mnt/pccard"
> 3) cd /mnt/pccard
> 4) eject card
> 5) Re-insert card
> 6) mount card again
> First the mount process hangs and the computer becomes rather
> unresponsive. The mouse freezes for a few seconds then catches
> up. However, the computer seems to be unstable and eventually hangs
> completely. Sort of like the way that Windows does if you keep going
> after a GPF.
I don't see any umount there; are you actually doing one, or relying
on some card services daemon to do it for you? If you've got a shell
hanging around in that directory the umount will fail. You should
kill the process with a pwd there and umount the thing.
Shaw Terwilliger
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