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Linux Gods,
The FENRIS (nwfs) source code for 1.4.2 can be downloaded from Please refer to the release notes attached to this email
for info on what got fixed. Special thanks to Alan Cox for his help with
the GNU compiler issues (and other issues). We will be posting one
additional release later this week after we have regression tested the GNU
compiler fixes (nwfs-1.4.3). Next week, mirroring support will be posted to
the site in nwfs-1.4.4.
Jeff Merkey
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This is an interim release to fix packing problems with the GNU
compiler. Normally, we don't send out releases back to back so soon,
however, the problems with the GNU compiler could corrupt data, so
getting a fix out for this seemed important to us. This release also
addresses other issues listed below. This release is specific for
Linux 2.0.36.
To make this release, type:
make -f nwfs.mak clean
make -f nwfs.mak
See the Docs on our ftp site for instructions on mounting and loading
There are several things to note about this release.
1. The GNU Compiler problems have been corrected by using the
__attribute__ ((packed)) directive within specific structures.
2. The INODE.C code that reads and writes Unix permissions is now
working for the NFS namespace on Netware volumes.
3. The DOS namespace name mangling function has been updated and
we now can create DOS names that Netware seems to like.
The routine used in the linux fat file system to generate unique
names IS NOT identical with what Netware or Windows NT expects. For now
Netware seems ok with most of the names. We are at present getting
a "cannot find file" message from cp during mangling, and are tracking
this one down. Windows NT, rather than cycle through the "jiffies"
variable actually derives the second level mangled DOS names by
using the checksum of the file itself as part of the file name. The
routine in the Linux fat file system simply does some random bit
twiddling of the "jiffies" variable to create these names. At some
point, this might get us into trouble in MS ever depends in the checksum
valuie being correct. For now, the Linux fat version is actually
faster, and doens't really seem to care that much about it.
4. The symbolic link, hard link, and device file functions are still
stubbed out, and we will update these in a release later this week
after they have been tested more thoroughly with all of the possible
Netware namespace configurations to make certain we do not encounter
any more GNU compiler issues with structure alignment.
5. The nwfs-1.4.3 release will be posted mid week, and will address
Create, Rename, symbolic linking, hard linking, and device files. We
will send this code out as soon as it has passed our regression testing.
6. Alan Cox from RedHat Software has gone the extra mile to help us
get through many of the difficult technical problems with our first
release. As such, we are happy to include Alan Cox as a contributor
to the FENRIS project. Thanks Alan!
Please submit changes or corrections to jmerkey@timpanogas.com. You
can report bugs to this email as well as to Linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu.
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