I'm going to have some time to spare, so I thought i might start do some
research on starting a driver for my handheld scanner (Artec HOME). It's
driven by an irq- and jumper-less interface card that sits in an ISA slot.
There's no SANE support for this device.
Could anyone point me in the right direction in regard to writing such a
driver? I already know of the LDP, what I'm looking for is specific
information on handling irq-less cards. Eg. what really *is* an irq-less
interface card, how do you make it do stuff, how does it react without
IRQ's? Actual code examples of such a driver are welcome.
Please cc: any replies to me, as I'm currently not on the list.
--Thanks, Nico
:: Nico Galoppo :: Linux - Free power for the masses : :: :::::.
:: ::
:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::
: http://hq.narfum.org/~scratch ::
. .::
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