> Root can remove the immutable flag indirectly with any of the following
> capabilities and/or write accesses
> 3) write permission to the raw block device
that is. SECURE_NOROOT won't work properly without capabilities.
capabilities won't work withoug SECURE_NOROOT... together theese two
things - capabilities and securebits, can solve a lot or problems. proper
distribution of capabilities and access rights can be a future of normal
paranoid linux distribution :-) If you wan't it to be really secure - you
can disable capabilities, required for mounting fs'es, configuring
network, loading modules, etc. You will have the system, which will be
secured from any impact, even if intruder has got root... and for the
write permission - I'm not sure, but when securebits are on and when
certain capabilities are removed, it is _impossible_ to write directly to
device (is not raw_io for that?). Ones who are for trusted systems will
like that - I didn't configure the system of my db server for a really
long time, and I'm sure all those cap_net_raw and other capabilities are
not needed for production system.
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