> Congratulations, the results look very good.
> My question is, are the changes going to be back ported to 2.2.x?
i dont think so. But the next stable release is not far away. The
development branch will always have 'cool stuff, wish we had that in the
stable branch too', hopefully in the future stable branches will follow up
each other with higher frequency.
> My second question is, can a 4096 bytes block size improve results even
> more?
definitely! Many of the improvements show up in a magnified way on 4k
block filesystems. It would be very interesting to see the same
measurement done on a 4k-blocksize testpartition.
as a rule of thumb, ext2 filesystems should always be created with 4k
blocksize, unless there will be lots of small files on the filesystem.
(typically not the case with most database systems)
-- mingo
ps. be careful with that production system though, even pre2-2.3.8 has
known, serious, not yet fixed bugs which might corrupt files.
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