I'm not sure this is the right forum for this, but maybe:
I am hoping to get the "dhcp-2.0b1pl27" dhcp client to work with multiple ip
adresses on one nic (yes, I have use for this!), like running "dhclient
eth0:0". But it doesn't work, and the problem seems to be in the following
(equivalent) code:
struct sockaddr sa;
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa);
sa.sa_family = AF_PACKET;
strncpy(sa.sa_data, "eth0:0", sizeof sa.sa_data);
bind(sock, &sa, sizeof sa);
bind fails with ENODEV ("operation not supported by device"). Is this use of
the alias device name "eth0:0" even supposed to work? I'm using kernel 2.2.7
/ glibc 2.0.7pre6.
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