> It builds as a standlaone module at present. After we get all the bugs out
> and all the features in, they we will start working on putting it into the
> stock kernels. At present, we are using OpenLinus 1.3 for all the builds.
> 2.2.X has a lot of problems still with the commercial linux releases, and
> 2.3.X is a moving target. When you are developing a file system, it's
> better to use stable established code bases so we don't waste time chasing
> everyone else's bugs. If you want to help us put a "stock" build on a
> specific Kernel build, we would oblige you. We are going to do this at some
> point anyway, but wanted to get all the features fully debugged prior to
> doing so.
> Please advise.
> Jeff
If it is not intended to build against 2.2.x, I'd advise you to clearly
document that fact and avoid a lot of E-Mail.. At any rate, the same
build errors occur against 2.0.35 (as mentioned in my first message).
Is OpenLinux still using libc5? This might explain the header issues.
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