> Or NT will eventually die. Much more desirable outcome, IMO. It's
> definitely inferior design. Remember, every self-appointed UNIX-killer
> ate flaming death and UNIX is alive and well. Where is VMS? Where is
> OS/2? Where is (spit) MacOS? Exactly. They boast. They suck. They die.
> It is that simple. NT will follow them, just give it some time. New
> "UNIX-killer" will appear, only to follow the previous ones. Who cares?
Wrt. MacOS:
1. I've never heard it announced as a Unix-killer,
2. It's currently doing just fine, doing record sales, grabbing market
share from M$
3. The designated successor is based on (wait for it) ... Mach+FreeBSD!
Wrt. OS/2:
Its death is a pure marketing effect: IBM didn't really market it.
Wrt. NT:
Interesting enough, when you look at M$'s *technical* documentation,
you'll find that they have a number of nice things to say about Unix in
general and Linux specifically. Don't tell the marketing guys!
Then again, Unix didn't kill Multics, either ...
MfG Kai
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