Re: FENRIS (nwfs) 1.4.2 Source Code Available,
Walter Reed (
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 16:36:40 -0700
On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 12:51:40PM -0600, Jeff Merkey wrote:
> I think all things being equal, linux today is **GREAT** technology. Yes,
> it did break Caldera's Netware stuff (It's still busted, I have to do a lot
> of work on 2.0.35 then move it to a 2.2.9 box to test). I also think alot
> of the work being done with the Page Cache is totally **KICK ASS**. I'm
> just saying we should try to assess the impact on the commercial Linux
> vendors, and try to give them adequate warning, but progress also has a
> price and I agree it's difficult tightrope to walk.
It's not like 2.2 came out of nowhere. If a commercial vendor providing kernel
level code doesn't bother to test their code until well after the Final Release,
then they have some serious planning problems. That's why the developement
kernel tree exists!!!
The resources are all there for all the commercial Linux vendors. They just need
to USE them.
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