2.2.7 -> 2.2.9 broke a small number of systems. I can't tell if 2.2.8 was
a problem or not. 2.2.8 had enough other problems nobody ran it.
The reports of 2.2.7 worked 2.2.9/10 blow up all fall into the following
o Block numbers off the end of the disk
o Reports of incorrect bitmaps
o Bizarre C compiler error reports
With the cases I followed up on, hitting the reset button after such odd
reports generally made them vanish. That is the corruption was in memory
not on media. Unlike the other noise reports there is a consistent "2.2.7 OK
2.2.9 fails" message.
It doesn't matter what platform - PMac (actually this is the worst hit)
Mips x86 all have reports. IDE and SCSI seem affected.
The most bizarre part of the whole matter is that a given machine will almost
always be affected by the same variant of the problem not a mix.
Lower memory machines seem most likely to trip it.
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