> I don't either. But I don't run quotas. Thats why Quota is my number 1
> suspicion
right I disabled the quota support and what happened:
Jun 23 20:22:06 blabla kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jun 23 20:24:06 blabla kernel: neighbour table overflow
all the time i am stressing with disk i/o
(Linux version 2.2.10 (root@blabla) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314
(egcs-1.1.2 release)) #7 Mit Jun 23 17:00:19 MEST 1999 )
...with the same kernel version BUT with quota support on, I got
Jun 23 12:47:01 blabla kernel: 08:12: rw=0, want=1484339577, limit=3076447
Jun 23 12:47:02 blabla kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Jun 23 12:47:02 blabla kernel: 08:12: rw=0, want=912684654, limit=3076447
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