You're confusing the `should the kernel support forks' issue with the
`should there be a notion of fork'. If you want to have something like forks,
you can provide that outside of the kernel. And yes, you'll have to extend
`find' so that it is more convenient to use in this case (you can already
use it for it, but the magic incantation will look ugly).
So `find' has nothing to do with the problem of whether or not the kernel
should have anything more than `directories'.
> Well, I guess you like double clicking on a MP3 file with a ".au" suffix
> and watch the spawned program choke on a bunch of discrete cosine data,
> right ?
Yet another confusion: you're confusing forks with typing.
I agree that typing is useful, but this has nothing to do with forks,
except that MacOS uses both.
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