[snip frustration]
> 1. No More Function Renaming.
> 2. No more incompatible changes.
"No more progress" Sometimes we need to do that in order to
move beyond where we are today/were yesterday. Every OS does
things like that -- even DOS went through such changes.
> 3. Create some decent abstractions.
Show Me The Code(tm) Linux is coded (mostly) by volunteers.
They code it because they like it and they don't have to take
orders from people who don't even use "please"...
> 4. When you do a change in the kernel, DOCUMENT IT.
Feel free to write some documentation. I know I do and you're
more than welcome to help.
Rik -- Open Source: you deserve to be in control of your data.
| Le Reseau netwerksystemen BV: http://www.reseau.nl/ |
| Linux Memory Management site: http://www.linux.eu.org/Linux-MM/ |
| Nederlandse Linux documentatie: http://www.nl.linux.org/ |
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