- Marcelo
On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Johan Andersson wrote:
> I just patched up my 2.3.5-kernel to 2.3.8 to see if it worked just as
> fine as 2.3.5... but NO.
> It seams that all the problems for the moment is in the 'file.c'-file.
> When is this fixed do you hackers think??
> Well... i have written down all the compiling errors in a file that i
> will attach in the mail.
> (I did like this: First compile the kernel witout any modules, then try
> to compile the diffrent fs-modules.)
> I dont know if somebody else have done this... Then excuse me.
> I hope to see a patch that fixes this sone so i can use my other disks
> to ;-).
> <gcc-info>
> root@NaraLINUX ~ # gcc --version
> egcs-2.91.60
> </gcc-info>
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