Re: linux headers and C++

Tom Leete (
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 20:38:49 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronnie G Misra <rgmisra@MIT.EDU>
>The error I get has to do with include/linux/signal.h under the kernel
>source tree: the functions siginitset and siginitsetinv both contain
>switch statements which are invalid C++ syntax (and in fact, are
>invalid in C, but which make use of a gcc extension). Specifically,
>the last label ("case 1:") in these statements should be followed by a

Just use this:

#include <signal.h>

instead. <linux/signal.h> is a minefield of gotchas. For internal use only.

Re: AB's response
This is not a linkage problem.


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