Re: fsck is dead (was: Some very thought-provoking ...)

Bill Anderson (
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 22:56:30 -0600

Chris Smith wrote:

> 4. A tie between Linux and Novell -- Novell sucks but is supported for use
> with this particular hardware that I'm teaching; Linux doesn't suck quite
> as much, but it has no support.
> I talked to someone a few weeks ago who described a system he just sold --
> 5 minutes of down time costs this customer about $500,000. That means that
> the 33 minute fsck costs about 3.3 million dollars. Do *you* want to tell
> this person that fsck is tolerable?

Anybody with that kind of volume would be a fool to not have a hot
failover just waiting.

FWIW, I work with Linux and HPUX on a daily basis in a production
environment. Booting and fsking on the Linux box takes as long, or
longer in some circumstances, as simply booting the HPUX boxes.

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