Re: best choice today?

Frank Butter (
Fri, 02 Jul 1999 15:43:29 +0800 (CST)

On 02-Jul-99 Borek Lupomesky wrote:
> Where XX is country code (such as de, fr, uk etc.)

thank you - one last dump question:
how to apply the patch?
I saw in it a "linux.vanilla" and a "".
Am I supposed to change the names?
right now I used just links to these two dirs (both pointing to ./linux, which
is 2.2.7)
and did a "patch < patch-2.2.7-ac2" in /usr/src .

what's wrong?
do I have to apply all patches starting from ac1 ???


cookie of the day:
As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frank Butter <> sent on 02-Jul-99, at 15:28:50 OTTO-Chailease Mailorder Co., Ltd., Taipei

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