Re: Frame Relay generic driver

Jan Kasprzak (
Fri, 2 Jul 1999 23:14:58 +0200

Krzysztof Halasa wrote:
: Is anyone working on generic Frame Relay driver for Linux? I know there
: is Sangoma driver available, but it's for use with Sangoma cards only,
: and FR is done in card's firmware. I want a driver which is able to speak
: FR using plain HDLC interface.
: I think extending syncppp should be the way to go. Any suggestions?
: If no one is working on it, I'm going to give it a try.
: Anyone having a detailed description of FR (for example - different LMIs)
: protocol/frames?


did you make any progress with it? I need to write the FR interface
for COSA sync serial boards (, and I need to
decide whether it would be better to write my own FR layer (and probably
merge it to syncppp.c), or adapt one of the existing ones (most probably
Mike Natale's FR layer for SDL Riscoms - what is the license of it?).

The SDL driver can be a good starting point as well as the source
of documentation. However, I am not sure whether its approach is correct:
It uses one netdev for each channel, and inside this device you can set
particular PVCs using the "frarp" utility. This essentialy maps
the remote IP address to the PVC number. It makes it impossible to transmit
anything but IP over that device, I think.

The Sangoma driver (drivers/net/dlci.c), OTOH, uses one master
device and lots of slaves - one per PVC. I think this would be a better
approach. But it will IMHO fit less to syncppp.c.

Folks, what do you think about it? Alan?


\ Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at>
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