Re: script for compiling the kernel

Marc Mutz (
Sun, 04 Jul 1999 17:52:49 +0200

Steffen Evers wrote:
> > - leave out 'make clean' for later 2.2.x and 2.3.x kernels, since I
> > think that has been made obsolete (my kernel compiles just fine w/o it
> > and make xconfig does not say anything about it any more)-
> I want to leave this in as long as I have a statement that there is NO
> case where it is needed. Generally a 'make clean' should not be
> necessary except for the case that something went wrong, I think. But I
> want to be on the safe side and at least it doesn't hurt except for the
> longer compiling time. But maybe I should make this an option for people
> who need a quick compiling.
It's just that I read that someone went into trouble my _using_ make
clean. Don't ask me how that could be. I guess it was on this very list.


Marc Mutz <>          
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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