> I think the right thing would be to check both (base,3) and (base,8).
> The reason is that the double request will work for the moment, but
> when we get a PnP device manager, it will create a resource entry for
> the full size of the region before the parport driver ever gets a
> chance to look at it. So the double request would then start to fail.
I understand that work on a new PnP / bus management architecture has
started... That is nice.
Are you also intending to do the other changes suggested when this last
came up? (We also said that module loading should be separated from
device initialization, and some protocol should exist to allow the bus
driver to tell the driver what resources to use...) This protocol will
also solve Tim's problem, as the driver will _know_ beforehand that it has
an 8-byte io range...
. __ | Phone: +972 3 5340753 (home), +972 3 9685882 (work)
_| / | email: alonz@usa.net
/ | /_ Alon Ziv | smail: 33 Ha-Rama St., Ganey Tiqwah 55900, Israel
<<<(((this place reserved for that ultra-wise oneliner I haven't found.)))>>>
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