Re: Serial Port COM1 under Linux on IBM ThinkPad 770X

Christopher E. Brown (
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 00:59:31 -0800 (AKDT)

On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Dirk W. Steinberg wrote:

> Hi,
> has anyone succeeded in using the serial port on an
> IBM ThinkPad 770X notebook unser Linux?

I do not know about that exact model but... Most newer
thinkpads do not have direct access BIOS. To get things working
correctly grab the DOS hardware setup utils, and put them on a
bootable floppy. Fire up the system and procede to hard set the
serial/etc. I had to do this to my 365 and 385 to get the ports to
work (thinkpads default ttyS0/COM1 to IR, and ttyS1/COM2 to the db9 in
back. They also have a few non standard options. I would suggest
using to utils to set the db9 to COM1 standard settings, IR to COM2,

Trying to get a serial port to work when it defaults to PnP mode is a

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