Re: Fixed:2.2.10-ac8 wait_on_bh/2.2.10 beyond end of device
Paul Fulghum (
Mon, 05 Jul 1999 14:44:07 -0500
Paul Fulghum wrote:
> I got the following output on the serial console while
> stressing 2.2.10-ac8. Bonnie was running locally and two
> other machines were running Bonnie over NFS to the local
> machine. After this occurred, X-windows locked, no network
> traffic, no telnet etc. None of this made it to the logs.
> several lines of
> aborting command due to timeout scsi 1 chan 0 id 1 lun 0
> read (10) 00 00 d4 86 29 00 00 30 00
> aborting command due to timeout scsi 1 chan 0 id 1 lun 0
> write
> etc...
> followed by
> wait_on_bh, CPU0:
> irq: 0 [0 0]
> bh: 1 [0 1]
> c010b31d synchronize_bh (c010b2e0)
> c018dade tcp_listen_poll(c018dacc)
> c018db59 tcp_poll (c018db1c)
> c019cec5 inet_poll (c019cea4)
> c0179ee7 sock_poll (c0179ec8)
> c0132687 do_select (c0132540)
> c0133b76 sys_select (c013277c)
> followed by:
> scsi host 1 channel 0 reset (pid:xxx) timed out - trying harder
> scsi bus is being reset for host 1 channel 0
After testing and substituting many parts this problem appears
to have been a bad scsi cable. This probably explains the 'access beyond
end of device' problems I had seen under 2.2.10 vanilla.
I've been beating up on the box (with new cable) for some time now
and it appears solid.
Paul Fulghum
"what kind of party is this?
there's no booze and only one hooker..." - Bender
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