Re: [PATCH] Re: FAT bug in 2.2.10-ac8(was slocate never finishes in

Simon Kirby (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 13:53:46 -0400 (EDT)

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On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Simon Kirby wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Alexander Viro wrote:
> >
> > Right. You do. It's a combination of my idiocy and idiocy of slocate
> > authors. Sigh... In case of root directory the second entry (fake "..")
> > got an d_off (offset of the next entry) equal to 0 *if* there were
> > additional entries successfully filled by getdents(). My idiocy.
> > Now, authors of slocate, in their infinite wisdom, decided to do
> > seekdir after each readdir. Which means that they call getdents (on a
> > decently-sized buffer) for each bloody offset. It is idiocy. Number of
> > getdents() calls is 2 orders of magintude higher than it should be.
> > Combination of those bogosities gave an infinite loop.
> > Fix for FAT attached (it's against -ac8, with 2.2.9 it will get a
> > line numbers offset but will apply fine).
> >
> > As for slocate... Look for seekdir(recdir, telldir()); and shoot
> > it. Dunno if the author reads l-k (he didn't leave an address in the
> > source), but just in case: seekdir() is *NOT* needed if you read
> > sequentially. Just as fseek(); is not needed for files in the similar
> > case.
> The author works for NetNation (the same company I work for). I will
> forward this to him.

The author says that the seeks in there were part of his debugging stuff
which he forgot to remove, and that it's all happy in the new version
(email below).


| Simon Kirby | Systems Administration |
| | NetNation Communications |
| | Tech: (604) 684-6892 |

Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 09:43:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kevin Lindsay <>
Subject: linux-kernel thread

That is strange because that he didn't find my email because it is in the header of all my slocates... :-/

Maybe you could post a message to the list to let everyone know that v2.0 is out in src form, I'm waiting for redhat to get an rpm out on rawhide, and debian should be propogated soon to the debian potato mirrors.

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