32-bit UIDs (was: Re: LDAP)

Joel Klecker (jk@espy.org)
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:07:18 -0700

At 10:01 +0300 1999-07-06, Matti Aarnio wrote:
> That small numeric space of UIDs is another (and
> certainly kernel) issue, mainly though because of
> lots of syscalls and pre-existing software BINARIES
> with 16-bit UIDs/GIDs.
> Implementing a new set of syscalls with enlarged
> passed values in value fields/whatnot is better way,
> and it will "only" need support in the glibc 2.1.
> Old binaries will still run, although strange alias
> effects might appear when (uid % 65536) == 0, etc..

That is the solution adopted by

Joel Klecker (aka Espy)                    Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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