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Hi Matti.
> I found, and fixed it for now - I think.
===8<=== CUT ===>8===
> It wasn't .AU only. The way this turned up to be was that there
> were couple of broken subscriptions which with one ZMailer quirk
> did turn out to reject all recipients in the batch where that
> envelope error occurred.
> Addresses at the file were something like:
> foo@ with.extra.space
> barf@domain. with.extra.space
> As things are done by the "listexpand" utility, it picks
> address-line from the start of the text line in the file, and
> chops it off at frist non-quoted white-space. Thus:
> foo@
> barf@domain.
> which both caused ZMailer router to reject the message on basis
> of bad envelope. (Both happened in same batch part, so this
> wasn't quite so bad to spot..)
Perhaps the enclosed bash shell script will help here - set it up with
cron to run through all the lists of who is subscribed once a day,
with stdout emailed to you, and stderr redirected to /dev/null, and
you should get a list of any and all suspicious entries for you to
Note also that one run of the command can scan ALL of the database
files, as it will work its way through its parameters treating each of
them as a separate file to process, and will process them in the order
they are given. Assuming the various databases are all stored in the
directory /var/mailling-lists/ then the following cron command would
do this for you quite happily:
checkdomain /var/mailling-lists/* 2> /dev/null
This program assumes that the subscription database is one entry per
line, with the email address as the first thing on each line and the
rest of the line containing what it regards as comment info. It allows
leading spaces or tabs on each line, and also allows either spaces or
tabs to separate the email address from the comment info.
For reference, here's a test database I used:
Q> rhw@memalpha.cx Valid
Q> rhw@memalpha.cx Valid
Q> rhw memalpha.cx Invalid - no domain part.
Q> rhw@ memalpha.cx Invalid - no domain part.
Q> rhw@memalpha .cx Invalid - domain not fully qualified.
Q> root@localhost Invalid - domain not fully qualified.
Q> root@localhost.localdomain Invalid - domain not found.
Q> root@warez.memalpha.cx Invalid - maps to
The comments on each one state whether it should be mapped as valid or
invalid, and if invalid, why. Note that it won't find entries in
/etc/hosts as it uses the host command to search for them, and it also
regards anything that maps to as being invalid, so localhost
would have been invalid on that basis even if it had passed the host
test in the first place.
Here's what appears on stdout from running the above through the
Q> Analysing xx gives:
Q> => Missing domain: <rhw> (memalpha.cx Invalid)
Q> => Missing domain: <rhw@> (memalpha.cx Invalid)
Q> => Invalid domain: <rhw@memalpha> (.cx Invalid)
Q> => Invalid domain: <root@localhost> (Invalid)
Q> => Unknown host: <root@localhost.localdomain> (Invalid)
Q> => Maps as LocalHost: <root@warez.memalpha.cx> (Invalid)
There's quite a bit that gets sent to stderr, but that can all be
disposed of by redirecting that to /dev/null - it's only used for
copyright and debugging information, not for problem reports.
> I need to study ways to armour the system against this sort of
> bad address entries in the subscription databases. But before it
> can be cured properly, Andy et.al., could you keep an eye on the
> list address contents ?
Better still, an automated means of doing so will help...
> I will go away from the network for shortish vacation next
> couple of weeks...
Hopefully this will get to you before you go...
Best wishes from Riley.
| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |
* ftp://ftp.MemAlpha.cx/pub/rhw/Linux
* http://www.MemAlpha.cx/kernel.versions.html
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