Re: linux-kernel-digest V1 #4149
Khimenko Victor (
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 13:55:02 +0400 (MSD)
In <> ( wrote:
> Err, we do have only one kind of thread of execution. A process is NOT a
> thread of execution. A process is simply a container for threads (and,
> in other implementations, resources like address space... but I think we
> ought to move those back to the thread level and share via clone() like
> we do now). That's it. Just a different type of group, exactly as I am
> fairly certain we'll need to invent anyway.
Hmm. Why to limit it this way ? Why not have arbitrary ThreadGroups so you
can have 10 threads in some http-database gateway to work with database,
10 different threads to work with network and all under ubrealla of the same
process ?
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