] >
] > The Matrox Gx00 3D team have direct DMA stuff working and also some of the GART
] > stuff brewing as simple GPL code. The biggest problem is that a lot of GART
] > handling on intel boards has to be reverse engineered because unlike VIA they
] > dont provide useful infoi
] Perhaps looking the Win98 DDK ... if I remember correctly, Win'98 doesn't
] install de the VGART VXD, was include with it.
Intel's GART is merely an array of standard pentium+ page table entries.
Yank 'em out of the normal pte arrays. They have to be contiguous in
physical memory. I'm not sure if that's the confusion. The documentaters
see the world apparently as too obvious:
<IMAGE>Moon, Asteroids, Planets, Sun revolving around shiny Intel logo</IMAGE>
] Saludos
] Drizzt
] --
] ____________________________________________________________________________
] Drizzt Do'Urden Three rings for the Elves Kings under the Sky
] drizzt.dourden@iname.com Seven for the Dwarf_lords in their
] http://www.arrakis.es/~terron hall of stone
] FIDO 2:345/410.107 Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die
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