Maybe because of nightly running applications, not releasing
shared memory and other IPC stuf, producing amazingly zombies,
preventing useful tasks to run (such as backup & Co).
Yes, scripts could be written to attempt to cleanly put
things up, but usually the best way is to reboot regularly.
And, with Linux + autofs, taking into account dynamic modifications
of the NIS automount tables is possible without rebooting but
is quite painful with 100 or so machines. Sun's automount is
much better in reconfiguration...
However, whenever we can keep the uptime rising, we do it :-)
> At work (where I use Sun workstations) I have three machines (USER-Workstations!
> Where there are sitting users at the thing, logging in and out and crashing
> their applications all day long ;) ) - and these three machines have an
> uptime of far more than 280 days!!!!! (one is over 290 !)
> Can anybody please show me *any* NT-User-WS with such uptime?
> Regards,
> Herbert
> +>
> +> See you
> +>
> +> Cris Wade
> "There are the following types of lies: lies, damn lies, statistics,
> benchmarks and then there are benchmarks from Mindcraft."
> -
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