Sorry about that, but as the Linux version development has just started,
and the modified es1370 driver + Linux/RTL waitqueue interface code is
about all Linux code available.
I could put the Delphi/Windoze sources of the old Win16 sequencer on the
site, but I didn't think it would be very interesting. I could dig out
something that would compile and run if anyone is interested, but it's
mostly a "dead" user interface and a simple engine that is set up to
play lots of tracks from the hard disk. Most of the time I spent on that
project was finding out what worked and what didn't under Windoze...
Obviously, what I found out didn't make me too happy.
I do have a little module player with plug-in DLL support though. Delphi
32 bit and rather "quick'n'dirty", that too, as I hacked it only in
order to get an idea of the performance of Win32. Never got around to
move it to DirectX. I'll can put the sources on the site anyway, if
anyone wants to play with it.
> Also, why not use Arts, SF or Quasimodo as an audio engine? They exists
> already.
I'll check those out more carefully before I start serious hacking of
the engine implementation, but I'm afraid any one of those would have to
be modified quite a lot, possibly breaking even source code
compatibility for modules, in order to work inside RTL. But anything
useful will off course be reused, if the authors don't mind.
One shortcut would be hacking a way to do callbacks from RTL into
userspace. At least one big problem though: Can user space code be kept
from being swapped out? And doing something like that easily ends up in
something that looks all too much like a M$ "solution", I'm afraid...
> BTW, I would like to know if somebody is working on the kernel problems
> shown by Benno Senoner. That is, audio RT process handling A/D & D/A
> should not freeze during heavy disk usage.
> Yours,
> Juhana
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