During a period of heavy swapping, the machine appears to lock up
under X. In an open telnet session, top shows 'init' running at 100%
CPU. X and klogd are both zombified. Because of the init problem, a
clean shutdown was impossible.
System is a dual PII-350 with 128MB RAM, 4 swap partitions on
seperate drives totalling 288MB. It is running Red Hat 5.2 with
all errata and kernel-2.2 updates.
Any interesting kernel messages that may have been generated were
lost because X was up and klogd had died. Nothing of interest was
logged by syslog when the problems occured
Yesterday's crash occured using the Civ:CTP (v1.1) RAM stress tester,
with lots of pretty (and RAM hungry) GNOMEish doodads running and
Netscape taking up the requisite 40+MB that it wants. Last I checked
I was using up about half of the swap space.
-- Rob Riggs Technical Staff Tummy.com, Ltd. http://www.tummy.com/- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/