> > You couldn't use the extra features of the APC. But if you bought a
> > Best then you could use all the features - no matter what Unix you
> > used. And if it sucked then you could improve it for private use.
> I am cururious, what are the full blown extra features that BEST claims to
> fame?
> > I can't comment about the code, i havn't seen it or used it. But i do
> > think the fact that it was there is a point in favour of Best.
> Just because I give you a car, does not mean it can be driven.
In the past I have deciphered a few interfaces so that I could make use of
something the idiot makers would prefer was of no use to me. I don't think I
would do it again. The idiot makers just change the interfaces on the next
model, and you are back to square one. There has to be a better use for my
time. There is almost always an acceptable alternative from a supplier that
would actually like happy customers. The alternative may not be perfect, but
then what is? Why not give the good guys the business? They may be doing the
right thing for the wrong or the right reasons, but if they keep doing the
right thing I think they are the ones who deserve good business.
Personally, I've become rather against people reverse engineering interfaces
so that idiot suppliers get business in spite of their own stupidity. There
really should be a "hall of infamy" Web site for the most pathetic excuses
companies give for not releasing adequate technical information for legitimate
customers to do legitimate things. I would only support reverse engineering to
break down a major barrier to progress.
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