>> >They were amazed that any idoit would lob characters at the device and see
>> >what happens. They new it what theoritcally possible to create "apcupsd",
>> >but never thought is was possible.
>> Hheheeh. That shows them how "special" their protocol is doesn't
>> it? ;o)
>just about anything can be reversed engineered... and believe
>it or not lots of companies do it to others people products..
>how do you think Microsoft got where it is today?.. the reverse
>engineered the Mac, added more bugs, and tada.. they have what
>they call an 'operating system'.. and today I had to reboot the
>system 5 times to get the taskbar to come back.. and they say
>there operating increases productivity..
>> Well, that said, I agree from a software perspective, however I
>> still have a bad taste about APC - the company. I don't want to
>> support them partially for a similar reason I won't support
>> Microsoft. I like friendly companies that are more open,
>> companies like Corel for example, or open-source companies.
>news flash Corel was nt always so open. they opened up as a
>last resort kind of thing.. they were going down because of M$
>, there product WordPerfect which is just as good as Word, both
>have there + and - but for the average Joe (and that would be
>me) either will do.. however Corel / WP were loosing the
>desktop battle for Wordprocessor. Even though many people I
>have chatted with prefer WP over Word many still continue using
>that blasted Word crapola program. as Linux grew and grows
>Corel see/saw it as a potential for a possible comeback..
Perhaps. I've watched Corel closely however, and they are taking
part in Open Source projects as well such as Wine. I'll be the
first to admit that Wine will benefit them, but nonetheless, they
are spending money on developing Wine, and the side effect of
that is that we get WINE working sooner. They seem very open to
the Linux community IMHO. I was at their booth at COMDEX as
well, and they were quite friendly, and ready to answer Linux
questions. Even if they are proprietary, they are friendly
towards the Linux community in a big way, and I think that they
deserve credit for that. The Wordperfect free download is
certainly another point in favor for them.
>so who here actually runs ON LINUX anything by Corel other than
>there WordPerfect?
Me. I've got Corel Draw for Linux as well.
>> P.S. <CHOKE>Do you know a good place I could buy APC batteries
>> for my SmartUPS 600? Even though it would be supporting them.
>> ;o) </CHOKE>
>> Even better, if APC were to send them to me for free, I could
>> possibly be swayed a bit, and gargle the bad taste away with some
>> Lavoris... ;o)
>and on that Note I'll be buying an APC .. not because there
>better not cause of the support.. but cause I can get one at
>Best Buy on the way home from work for the same price that is
>on the apc web site..
Well, I hope that it works well for you if you go with it. I'm
sure that Andre's work will not fail you, so from that standpoint
you should be ok. But personally, I still have my own
reservations (although I still want my UPS to breath life
again)... Talk about stuck between a rock and a lightening
storm... ;o)
-- Mike A. Harris Linux advocate GNU advocate Computer Consultant Open Source advocateTea, Earl Grey, Hot...
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