> Khimenko Victor wrote:
> > Linux uses FLAT address space. And FLAT means exactly this: flat. No selectors.
> > In userspace that is. No way to create new selector and no need to change
> > [csdefg]s at all. You'll need really, really, REALLY strong argument to change
> > this. And even then such patch will be rejected :-)) No way, sorry. Linux 2.2
> > uses 1 selector per process (for TSS) and 2.3 does not use even one selector
> > per process and it's worth it.
> Not true. On the x86, you cannot disable segmentation. Flat address
> space simply means that all the segments have a base of 0 and limit of
> 4GB thereby negating the effects of segmentation. You can modify the
> LDT to create additional selectors with the modify_ldt syscall. Wine
> needs this to simulate the Windows address map mechanisms. You are
> thinking of the GDT which is per process (or per cpu in recent
> kernels). LDTs are always per process.
Oops. Yes, I forgot about Wine and modify_ldt crap :-(( So yes, you can do
such trick if portability is not an issue...
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