still has 50 odd sitting around under part no IT991422 appears to have them in stock I'm sure the list goes on.
On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Iain McClatchie wrote:
> I have an ASUS P2B-D motherboard with a single PII/450. I'd like to
> upgrade to two CPUs.
> Intel has very cleverly discontinued the PII/450, leaving me with the
> following options:
> 1) installing a PII/400. I assume that the 4x frequency multiple is
> hard-coded onto the processor cartridge somehow. Has anyone tried
> running two CPUs at two different speeds in the same box
> simultaneously?
> 2) installing a PIII/450. I doubt there is any electrical compatibility
> problem, but I wonder if there is some trick to getting Linux to
> treat the PIII as a PII (i.e. it would be really bad if the kernel
> tried to enable MMX on both CPUs). Has anyone tried running two
> different model CPUs in the same box simultaneously?
> 3) Throw out/sell the PII and install two PIIIs. This option seems
> somewhat unappetizing.
> I know there used to be problems running different revisions of the
> Pentium Pro together. Does anyone know what these problems were, and
> whether I would experience similar or worse difficulties with a PII/PIII
> mix?
> -Iain McClatchie
> -
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Joel Jaeggli
Academic User Services
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It is clear that the arm of criticism cannot replace the criticism of
arms. Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of
the right, 1843.
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