Aug 3 21:04:46 my kernel: kmem_alloc: Bad slab magic (corrupt) (name=size-128)
Aug 3 21:04:46 my kernel: eth0: Couldn't allocate a sk_buff of size 60.
Aug 3 21:04:47 my kernel: kmem_alloc: Bad slab magic (corrupt) (name=size-128)
Aug 3 21:04:47 my kernel: eth0: Couldn't allocate a sk_buff of size 67.
Aug 3 21:04:47 my kernel: kmem_alloc: Bad slab magic (corrupt) (name=size-128)
(last messages repeated zillion times till reboot)
As far as I am able to see this is some kind of very serious memory
corruption, severity level equals to panic. (Results the same, anyway.)
(The last messages before this agony were three proftpd sessions closing,
with probably lots of net activities in the back as well.)
Any idea why this could have happened? The machine is 256M RAM, some jumbo
ide disks, and quite an amount of processes (sometimes hits the 512 limit
in the default kernel). As far as I know there should not be any hardware
(RAM) problems, at least there wasn't any sign for quite a long time.
I'd appreciate at least a "we don't have a clue" or "sorry, too little
input" answer, to close this problem report of mine. :-) (A cc to my
email would be much appreciated as well.)
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