> rct@gherkin.sa.wlk.com (Bob_Tracy) writes:
> |> For those commands where a quick summary isn't enough, additional
> |> documentation in whatever format the author feels comfortable generating
> |> is reasonable and appropriate, but I STILL WANT THE #$%@! man PAGE, and
> |> it should be kept up to date.
Linux is not a bench-warmers OS in general.
If you see a need, offer to help.
A general wine-n-cheese party will go noway fast.
How the flip do you think most people got into Linux?
See below for softer answer, have a good day.
> If you look at the pretest versions of the textutils, sh-utils, texinfo,
> etc. packages you'll see that work is being done to improve the
> documentation. Remember that all those things are done *voluntarily*, and
> if nobody wants to do it, then it won't be done, period.
Andre Hedrick
The Linux IDE guy
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