> You have found the bugs that I was looking for. However, your
> solution removes the return values from the apm_init () call.
> I think it would be better to leave the return values in so that
> the calling function knows that it errored out. Here is my fix,
> which incorporates the fixes you made.
Fair enough, but...
> --- linux/include/linux/apm_bios.h.orig Tue Aug 3 19:17:05 1999
> +++ linux/include/linux/apm_bios.h Wed Aug 4 16:05:51 1999
> @@ -19,6 +19,13 @@
> typedef unsigned short apm_event_t;
> typedef unsigned short apm_eventinfo_t;
> +#ifdef CONFIG_APM
> +#define powermanagement_idle() do { } while (0)
> +#else
> +#define powermanagement_idle() do { } while (0)
> +#endif
> +extern int hlt_counter;
> +
> #ifdef __KERNEL__
> #define APM_40 0x40
What exactly differs about the macros defined when CONFIG_APM is (A)
defined, and (B) not defined (other than the number of spaces before
the 'do', which gets chopped out anyway) ???
Best wishes from Riley.
| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |
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* http://www.MemAlpha.cx/kernel.versions.html
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