>> Is there something up with the kernel.org mirrors? ftp.uk.kernel.org
>> currently indicates that the latest 2.3 kernel is 2.3.9 !!!
> If you got Sunsite UK (Imperial), they're having problems. They
> were offline for over a week, and I think they're having to
> rebuild their mirrors..
> Try the other mirrors: ftp.demon.co.uk, and <something>.hensa.ac.uk
Which ID's with the following?
Q> ProFTPD 1.2.0pre1 Server (ProFTPD) [if-c]
Q> Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
Q> /pub/linux/kernel: No such file or directory
It's neither ftp.demon.co.uk nor unix.hensa.ac.uk but is the one that
running `ncftp ftp.uk.kernel.org` most often gives me...
OK, I've tracked it down. That one is compton-if-c.mirror.ac.uk and
appears to be a dud mirror...
> If you've been pounding nails with your forehead for years, it
> may feel strange the first time somebody hands you a hammer. But
> that doesn't mean that you should strap the hammer to a headband
> just to give your skull that old familiar jolt.
> -- Wayne Throop, during the ``TCL Wars''
LOL !!!
Best wishes from Riley.
| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |
* ftp://ftp.MemAlpha.cx/pub/rhw/Linux
* http://www.MemAlpha.cx/kernel.versions.html
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